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hey. your story intrigued me, so i found it and hosted it somewhere more free. Its quite rare these days. It doesn't work in Dosbox on OSX unfortunately so I couldn't see it.

This is: echo Magic Mushroom Echo -------------- echo This Program was made by the R&D Team at echo the Cleveland Corp. of Australia at Hendra echo To turn 'Magic Mushroom off press any key echo Bye,Bye,Bye

virus total scan (its clean): https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/34b703cace0a2464899c67fa1...

Because its so small (206K), it fits in a pastebin: curl http://pastebin.com/raw/D95mhEvE | base64 -D > mushroom.zip

It may not work in dosbox, but mushroom.ovl is just raw 8-bit[1] linear audio sampled at 8kHz so you can load it up in your raw-audio-capable app of choice. On linux try "aplay mushroom.ovl", for example.

[1] Actually only 6 bits per byte are used; presumably this was done to improve decoding speed or something.

Most of these applications employ this one weird trick to get digitized sound out of the speaker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_speaker#Pulse-width_modulat...

The result is 6 bits of resolution, along with a high pitched squeak during playback, depending on the output circuitry and speaker characteristics (it's less noticeable when a low-pass filter is added).

Cool! Read as: signed 8-bit PCM at 8000 Hz with Audacity. I had to normalize it to remove a DC bias and reduce the volume.

curl http://pastebin.com/raw/uunJFtcK | base64 -D > mushroom.mp3

Where'd you find this? I'm trying to find out what happened to "Cleveland Corp of Australia".

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