How long does it take to bike? I find that often the issue is the infrequency or inconvenience of public transit routes, not that there's any inherent obstacle to traveling without a car.
Bikes aren't always a viable replacement - my parents travel with large (up to 100 pounds) instruments. Also, bikes are frequently a poor idea in inclement weather, making them non-ideal for things like transit to work if you've got a reasonable distance to travel. If I ride my bike to work, it's 15 miles - I won't bother in the rain. It'd be slower than any of my public transit options, and considerably less safe.
You'd be surprised how much weight you can transport on a bike with appropriate gearing and a trailer. I'm not sure what your public transit options are, but unless I've got a straight-shot light-rail route to where I'm going or it's really hilly, biking is almost always faster than public transit for me.
That's my main problem. I would rather take public transportation, but by car it takes me 35-60 minutes depending on traffic, against at least an hour and a half.
So, total time is a factor, as well as restricted schedules. (i.e. no options after a certain time)
On the other hand, the answer to this might be to find a job where public transportation is an option. (near future plan)