It's not like Apple is going to win 100% of the market, and the other competitors are not following suit with a closed system.
We'll always have choice - Google's entire strategy was being the opposite - open source, open apps, etc. There are dozens, if not hundreds of Android tablets, and concepts coming in the next 18 months, not to mention Windows 7 mobile etc
There are dozens, if not hundreds of Android tablets, and concepts coming in the next 18 months, not to mention Windows 7 mobile etc
The Windows 7 mobile platform is just as closed as iPhones and iPads, and Apple is trying to have Android shut down by the courts. If they get their way, there will be no viable open alternatives for mobile computing.
Most of the scenarios I envision for laptops involve typing without a desk (thus the need for the supporting base of your lap.) I don't think anything is really replacing them for these.
Exactly. I think after the last 20 years of Microsoft utter-domination, we're used to the idea that there will be one and only one winner and that it will control everything to the marginalization of everything else. On these devices that are primarily used to connect to Internet services (for consumption and creation), I don't see that as nearly so big of a concern.
We'll always have choice - Google's entire strategy was being the opposite - open source, open apps, etc. There are dozens, if not hundreds of Android tablets, and concepts coming in the next 18 months, not to mention Windows 7 mobile etc