Errr, but how does someone know that something is copyrighted and what license if nobody is writing this info?
Who do i contact when i have no info of copyright and want to use some others code?
It may be ridiculous for that author but it's quite important.
Sure, but under what license is it made available. If I find some source code floating around on the internet while looking for the solution to some problem I'm having, knowing what license it's under is kind of important.
How often does that happen really? I can't recall the last time I saw source code where you couldn't tell:
1. What license it's released under.
2. Who you can contact to get permission to use it.
If there's really no way to tell who the author is or what license it's under, then I'd say not to use it. It's probably better in the long run that way anyhow.
I loathe source code templates. To use web (newspaper?) terminology, it puts the content below the fold.
It also raises the cost of factoring code out into its own file. Even a simple code header can easily be double the amount of code I consider worth extracting.
I know many IDEs add them automatically, so it doesn't feel like much of a cost to the writer, but as the reader, you pay it every time. Why waste brain power thinking "Ok, ignore everything above, this down here is the real source code"?
I don't agree with most of this. Yes it is pointless to include the filename within the file itself, but it's still a good idea to retain the copyright statement and author names/email addresses. In an ideal world everyone would use version control all of the time and nobody would ever swap individual source files between projects having incompatible licenses, but in the real world of software development things don't always happen that way. Having the license within each file makes it unambiguous exactly what rights are being asserted, and if someone wants to change the terms they have to make actual modifications to the code (they can't just claim to have changed their opinion, or whatever).
If you're running a large project with thousands of files license changes can be automated with some trivial amount of coding, so this isn't a major issue. In large projects the license terms don't change very often anyway.
I don't know. I didn't find the article interesting. I mean copyright, comments and what not on files...? Come on!
These templates are written for a reason. Some companies DO write templates to make their files "standard". This is nothing new especially in a corporate environment.
For smallish (one or a few files) library/API/snippet type stuff, I kind of like the style of putting the authors and changelog at the top of the file, along with brief documentation of using it and a statement of license terms. Bigger libraries will of course have separate ChangeLog and README files and such, but for one-file stuff, I often just end up copying the file into my own project, and it's nice when it's a self-contained file with the relevant info all in there.
How common that is might vary in different programming languages. It's quite common to share Javascript code by just swapping standalone .js files, and it's not uncommon in the Lisp world either.
If you need anything more complicated than that, it's time to write code to fix the problem, rather than have your editor type the same text again and again and again and again.
The "templates" the article is talking about are large boilerplate comment blocks at the top of source code files, with license, attribution, changelog, etc. information. Nothing about executable code.