What would be the best way to tell if there is a market crash about to happen? Is there a way to monitor for a decrease in Help Wanted ads or an uptick in vacant commercial properties in SV? There has to be some numbers before the crash that could tell you when the crash was about to happen. There has to be the proverbial canary in a coal mine out there.
* I knew the 2008 housing crash was coming when someone told my Dad that mortgage companies were not even checking credit history of buyers anymore. I knew that day, housing market was toast, but I did not know how to make money off of it.
There's a bunch of short funds you can buy into. A buddy has an unlisted one set up and they are waiting out the next 12-24 months waiting for an Asian market crash. It's quite interesting to hear how they set up the strategy of what companies/industries they have focused on.
A quick Googlefu brought up this article. No idea if these funds are good but this kind of things is a Good investment point if you want to bet on a crash:
* I knew the 2008 housing crash was coming when someone told my Dad that mortgage companies were not even checking credit history of buyers anymore. I knew that day, housing market was toast, but I did not know how to make money off of it.