Once you accept cash from someone else, you give up some control and you get a giant ticking clock. Even if you're "successful" by most measures, if you're not successful by their measure, you might as well be dead.
Absolutely. That's why we are bootstrapping here, despite being offered funding in the past (unsolicited, I might add). For someone who is trying to build a healthy lifestyle business, accepting money from a VC is equivalent to agreeing to having a boss.
When entrepreneurs who have accepted funding are not able to meet certain targets, they routinely get sidelined and/or replaced. I don't know why so many people here pretend that's not the case.
Once you accept cash from someone else, you give up some control and you get a giant ticking clock. Even if you're "successful" by most measures, if you're not successful by their measure, you might as well be dead.