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> The test is totally fair in a sense that it does detect bias. What you're actually saying is that the bias itself is fair.

Sure, phrased that a bit wrong.

> But secondly, even if the group bias is fair, it's still problematic when you apply it to a specific person.

The test was just about associating cities with words, I do not think you can say anything about persons or specific persons alone from that information.

That is also true. But tests like these do make a point that many of the things that happen in our mind are not the things that we are aware of. I mean, if those people who passed the test were asked in advance whether they'd be grouping based on any particular trait, or even specifically asked about the trait they grouped by, I doubt that many of them would believe that it would work out the way it did. It's not a far stretch to assume that snap judgments of other people in course of day-to-day life can be similarly affected, and at least self-check against the possibility.

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