Parole is a terrible experience on the ground. Yea you get into the states, but you'll be sent to secondary every time you cross the border while they validate your parole status.
It seems to be a trend for the US to make the immigration experience more and more demeaning in practice.
I have an O1 and go through secondary every single time I enter the states. Budget a couple of extra hours when traveling to the US and you're fine. After you do it a few times and the agents see you're on the up and up the process goes quite quickly.
Relative to the effort of getting an O1 or chancing your fate to the H1-B lottery this is huge.
Having a visa didn't really make this particularly better for me, and at the end of the day being able to get/stay in and just work when you want to work is a damn sight better than what many people (like me) have had to go through in recent years to start a company.
> Nobody should take this proposal as an example of the system working.
I certainly agree, but it's a great example of how hacking a broken system works :)
"And while there is no substitute for legislation, the Administration is taking the steps it can within existing legal authorities to fix as much of our broken immigration system as possible"
It seems to be a trend for the US to make the immigration experience more and more demeaning in practice.