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Ding ding ding! Right answer.

The reason that IPv6 has seen minimal adoption so far is that the market has no reason to care about it yet. When will it start caring? 541 days from today, give or take. That's when IANA is projected to run out of IPv4 addresses. It is not the day that the internet goes up in a puff of smoke if we haven't finished deploying IPv6; it's the day that market pressure begins to accumulate and the day we find out what an IPv4 address is actually worth on the open market. When it becomes cheaper for large consumers of IP addresses to transition their networks to IPv6 than to continue paying for IPv4 addresses, that is when the "magic moment" will happen.

I must have written this before I had my coffee and now it's past the edit period. "Right answer" was only agreeing with the first sentence of the parent post. The rest I think is wrong for the reasons stated.

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