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Picolisp (picolisp.com)
166 points by qwertyuiop924 on Aug 26, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 64 comments

Check out the RC Simulator the creator programmed many years ago in assembler. It's all pixel pushing, no OpenGL, and no texture mapping, but still incredible. I posted about it on HN a year ago too [1,2].

Work has been done to run it on bare metal too - a sort of LISP Machine in PicoLisp!

[1] http://picolisp.com/wiki/?rcsim

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9954773

I love how everything is pico until these Java namespaces come along and crash the party.

I think it should make it clearer whether you can actually use this and how. It seems to be run inside a VM and call C and Java functions. They advertise this prominently, but having to run both Picolisp and JVM does not seem very attractive to me. Can we use it reasonably without Java? Is it production ready? How fast is it? How old is it?

I think a programming language is hard to sell, so they should work on that a bit (if that's there goal, of course).

The standard PicoLisp is not java-based or VM bound; there is a java implementation called Ersatz [1] that is older, and is there just for the Java hook. It is smaller than Lua considering how much is built-in

PicoLisp is written in C, or the 64-bit version in assembler. It is Posix-dependent, so you need to run it in Cygwin for Windows, although somebody is working on a platform independent version based upon Midipix to eliminate the Posix dependency [2].

The creator of PicoLisp, Alex Burger, created it for his own use decades ago. It has a built-in database and Prolog interpreter. It is very fast for an interpreted Lisp, and there are lots of examples on rosettacode.org.

It is fexprs-based instead of sexprs as far as I know.

I like it a lot, but since I am on Windows for my livecoding / game dev hobby, I have not gone too far with it. I am hoping the Midipix work takes off. I also run Linux on my notebook, but all of my work nowadays is on Windows. .NET Core might change that.

Most games still run on Windows, and the ones on Linux have compatibility issues across the various Linux distros.

There may be a glowing white Apple on most web-dev's notebooks, but my 3 year old Alienware plays games with a Technicolor LED show that would put the F&F film franchise to shame ;)

[1] http://picolisp.com/wiki/?javacode

[2] http://midipix.org/

>It is fexprs-based instead of sexprs as far as I know

...I don't think that was what you meant.

Picolisp has fexprs, and it uses them quite a lot, but they replace macros, not sexprs.

You're right. Thanks for catching that incomplete sentence/thought. It uses fexprs in place of macros.

I had been reading John Shutt's paper a day before this post, on what he calls vau calculus vs lambda calculus, where the Kernel programming language is used as an example implementation [1]. Very interesting take on fexprs given the arguments raised around them.

[1] https://web.cs.wpi.edu/~jshutt/kernel.html

Well, Shutt's work is about doing analysis and optimizations to fexprs. Picolisp essentially views compilers, analysis, and optimization as anathema.

Agreed. I am just struggling with Shutt's paper, but every now and then I get an epiphany in my understanding, and so I keep reading on. I am basically revisiting the old history of fexprs for my own education.

PicoLisp is pretty fast as an interpreted language, and holds a niche spot. But then again, the creator built it up over the years for his own work. It is very practical and compact when you use it in certain scenarios. I am ambivalent about the way it mixes PicoLisp and HTML in the Canvas examples. It cuts both ways to be that integrated.

Still, I always go back to play with it, because I just love how succinct and logical the code is for a lot of typical programming chores. I tried doing a game with it, but it was too much work (for me) to get it going cross platform, or at least Windows aside from Linux. I don't like Cygwin at all.

Yeah, you can have POSIX, or you can have cross platform: pick one.

Picolisp is interesting, but as a schemer, I wish it had TCO. Lexical scope would be nice too: macros are hard enough to code, don't make us worry about macro programming when we're not writing macros of fexprs.

Do you use Lisps ( CL or Scheme) for your games?

Trying to. You will not find many game frameworks for Lisp, but all of the pieces are there.

I mainly use Lisps for livecoding. I am currently trying to learn Extempore for livecoding. It has two languages: xtlang, a Lisp language that is strongly typed and compiled for close to C speed via LLVM, and a scheme for doing more high-level scripting stuff in the Extempore environment [1]. There are binaries available for all platforms. I run it in Spacemacs on Windows 8.1. It's very snappy, and powerful, for coding music/sound at the signal or note level, and it has OpenGL and Nanovg for graphics. Watch Andrew Sorensen rock it on YouTube or Vimeo - just search for Extempore and/or Andrew Sorensen. I hope there will be a way to distribute things created with it someday. Then it would be a kick ass game dev platform.

I tried Racket and SBCL briefly specifically for games. Both are very capable. I will probably go back to SBCL, since it worked well with SDL2, OpenGL and was fast on both my Windows and Linux boxes. CEPL is great for working with OpenGL in Lisp [2].

I would love to use PicoLisp. I almost did use it for a game jam, but you would need to create the game framework from the pieces it has, and again, the Posix / Windows issue. I'm really hoping for the Midipix solution. You can learn PicoLisp fast in a week or so by following along with the two great books - PicoLisp Examples, and PicoLisp Works. The PDFs are freely available on Scribd and the source code is available online [3][4].

Even Erlang is available as a Lisp - LFE, or Lisp Flavored Erlang, created by one of the original designers of Erlang, Robert Virding. Would be great for a game server with many connections. Elixir is becoming very popular but LFE has true macros, and why not, it's a Lisp! [5]

[1] http://extempore.moso.com.au/

[2] https://github.com/cbaggers/cepl

[3] https://github.com/tj64/picolisp-by-example

[4] https://github.com/tj64/picolisp-works

[5] http://lfe.io/

Thank you, really appreciate your answer. I have played around with mocl, CL (sbcl+sdl on OSX + Linux) and at least with Chicken in combination with doodle and the chipmunk egg to create an environment/framework for 2d platformers. It's a bit tedious because my time and knowledge reagrding OpenGL is limited but it's fun to play around with. All these Lisps + Frameworks kind of work, but you will always hit the point where it rocks for one platform, and sucks on another. There is new kid on the block, carp-lang, from the guy who developed "Else Heart.Break()". Would be cool if this becomes something worthwhile.

Wow. Carp actually looks really cool.

Have you tried Hypergiant for CHICKEN scheme? I've heard it's good for 3d work. For 2d, there's doodle. Both are in Chicken's egg repository.

Guile's Sly is also quite good for 2d work.

Finally, I think both have bindings to raw OpenGL/SDL, if you want them.

Yes, I tried. Problem is I am really trying to walk the line between Windows, Linux and possibly Mac. I run Elementary OS, and Windows 8.1 on one notebook, and Win 8.1 on the other.

Like PicoLisp Chicken is really Posix-dependent. Sure you can run it, and run the IUP examples on Windows, but as soon as you try to use the eggs you mention, the dependencies on the Posix stuff puts it on the backburner for me.

Right now, my game dev tools are Raylib(C)[1], Godot game engine[2], Processing(Java)[3], and CL(SBCL, SDL). All allow me to distribute games to Windows and Linux minimum. A few can do almost all platforms - Android, iOS(if you have a Mac!).

I still think Racket is an excellent playground to test concepts, and short of distributing games, valid for most anything. Pict3D package is very interesting.

Raylib is amazing. I have had a C renaissance because of it. Very clean and organized.

I am currently trying to embed s7(Scheme)[4] into a Raylib project in hopes of having my cake and eat it too!

Another playground for livecoding, but no way to share standalone 'apps' is Extempore, as I have mentioned previously.

[1] http://www.raylib.com/

[2] https://godotengine.org/

[3] https://processing.org/

[4] http://carloscarrasco.com/a-love-letter-to-s7-scheme.html & https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/s7.html

[5] http://extempore.moso.com.au/

Ah, yes. Cross-platform is quite painful at times. But hey, I'm glad you found something that works.

You might also wish to try Chibi for embedding, but both it and s7 are pretty good. I am also unsure as to how POSIX dependant chibi is.

I quite like it to be able to interop with Java and C. This allows the leveraging of existing libraries of those languages.

Then why not just use Clojure?

Clojure is too heavy weight. These little lisp packages consume very little resource and are perfect for embedding.

Clojure is incredibly light weight, unless you're including the host platform.

Because clojure is really weird, and it doesn't implement lists right, and it's covered in JVM stuff, which is kind of gross...

It's neat to see a "modern" web page and extensive documentation for such an incredibly old piece of software. While hacking on some old computers (one of my hobbies) I came across picolisp but never thought to look for it on the web. I assumed it was dead, like a large portion of the rest of the software on the box.

Hilarious introduction text.

That Share Tech Mono font gives me a headache.

For a monospace font, the characters aren't nearly distinctive enough.

Has the story for PicoLisp on OSX changed at all? My daily drive is El Capitan and there were issues compiling the source because of Clang/gcc incompatibilities last time I tried. Precompiled binaries were around but are no longer linked I think.

I think it's been working for a long time, I just ran

brew reinstall --build-from-source picolisp

and it worked.

Thanks, will try to hack the weekend away.

Long time fan. Great docs. And a 'native' Prolog interpreter: http://software-lab.de/doc/ref.html#pilog

(setq foo (1 2 3))

So how does evaluation work here? Why isn't (1 2 3) evaluated? Or is it not evaluated because 1 is not a function? In which case, is it not possible to create a literal list where the first element is a function?

I think I found the explanation in the PicoLisp reference [1].

> [...] as a special case - if the CAR of the list is a number, the whole list is returned as it is [...] This is not really a function call but just a convenience to avoid having to quote simple data lists.

[1]: http://folk.uio.no/jkleiser/pico/doc/ref.html#ev

setq is called a 'special form', which does not evaluate its args as other s-expr would.

setq would in fact evaluate its second argument (and bind it to the name specified by the 1st).

Picolisp has a special rule for (literal) lists starting with a (literal) number, they're implicitly quoted instead of the CAR being interpreted as a function:

> if the CAR of the list is a number, the whole list is returned as it is

This makes more sense considering a second quirk of Picolisp: numbers can be used as functions, in which case they're interpreted as a pointer to the executable code to run.

And from what I understand Picolisp's execution model doesn't have special forms as such, rather function definition specifies whether they receive their arguments evaluated or not.

It also has macros now, but they're rarely used.

Racket has some of the same properties. But it lacks the performance and simplicity. But with Racket you gain other things like more powerful macros, an integrated environment, and perhaps more libraries.

Racket is a little too complex for my tastes. It's a little too big, a little to exerimental, a little too complex, a little too magical. I lean towards R7RS and CHICKEN myself, which are on the opposite end in terms of Scheme implementations. Guile's nice too.

I do agree, that it gets too big. I mentioned complexity for that reason.

Its also not very performant, BUT you can call C functions quite easily, and you can embed Racket programs into your existing C/C++ programs.

Yeah, but Chibi, CHICKEN, Gambit, and Guile are all excellent at FFI, and fairly good at embedding (although for CHICKEN and Gambit, it depends on the given value of embedding... That's more Chibi and Guile's forte, as it was for SCM, SIOD, and TinyScheme before them.)

Why use this over Clojure if I'm into Java?

I see the answers below and I want to ask everyone. Is there any other lisp besides Clojure right now, that is actively developed but not early stage, and also not old? I want to use lisp and I don't care about the JVM. But whenever I search for lisps, I find some for C, Go, Rust that are too young, or Common Lisp which I read is too old and weird, and complicated. I really like Clojure and that's what I use for now, but a lisp without the JVM mighty be cool.

Clojure... well, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's "not a lisp" (some people would), but it's quirky. It's like that weird guy who's just as competent as the rest of us, but has an "interesting" perspective on how he tackles problems. The example I got in another thread on this is:

  (list? '(1 2 3))
  ;;; => true
  (= '(1 2 3) (cons 1 '(2 3)))
  ;;; => true
  (list? (cons 1 '(2 3)))
  ;;; => false
That's actually psychotic: if your lists aren't lists, than don't call them lists!

Anyways, Scheme is the part of the lisp family tree that actually evolves, albeit slowly. The spec is minimal, so compatability between implementations is low. I'd reccomend either Chicken or Guile scheme to most people, as both have pretty good FFI, decent performance (Chicken's is better), and good libraries (for a scheme).

Racket isn't a Scheme, although it started as one. The official implementation of Arc runs on an old version of Racket, from when it was closer to Scheme (we should probably port it to another scheme at some point...). It's not really my thing, but you might like it, and it has some of the best library support of any lisp outside Common Lisp.

OTOH, you may like Common Lisp. Bits of it are idiosyncratic, and it's huge and inelegant, but it's a tremendously powerful language, and very well supported and documented. There are actively developed implementations, and the most popular is probably SBCL.

    (list? '(1 2 3))
    ;;; => true
'(1 2 3) is, in fact, a list of 3 elements

    (= '(1 2 3) (cons 1 '(2 3)))
    ;;; => true

  = is closer to equal? in scheme. The doc string for clojure.core/= explains this pretty well:

    Equality. Returns true if x equals y, false if not.    Same as
    Java x.equals(y) except it also works for nil, and compares
    numbers and collections in a type-independent manner.  Clojure's immutable data
    structures define equals() (and thus =) as a value, not an identity,

    (list? (cons 1 '(2 3)))
    ;;; => false
`cons` is defined over a sequence in Clojure, not a list. The doc string actually says this upfront "Returns a new seq ..." and the type of this happens to be a `clojure.lang.Cons`. To get add a value to a list, you would actually use `conj`, which conjoins a value onto a collection or sequence in a way that is specific to that collection or sequence.

    (list? (conj '(2 3) 1))
    ;;; => true
If you are dead-set on using lists for some reason (you probably want a different datatype in Clojure), you could always define:

    (defn cons?
      (instance? clojure.lang.Cons x))

    (defn list-cons
      [v l]
        (cons? l) (list-cons v (into '() (reverse l))) 
        (list? l) (conj l v)
        :else     (throw (AssertionError. "Assert failed: list-cons requires a PersistentList or a Cons."))))
If you really want a Lisp-style cons with pairs and such, you'll need to define that yourself. It's not hard, or particularly useful, but if you really feel you must...

Unfortunately they print as (1 2 3), even though they are different data structures. A naive user would think that if (1 2 3) is a list, then anything that prints like (1 2 3) is a list... printing it and rereading it -> I get a new data structure type. Really?

Added with the random use of Lisp names to mean something different, while claiming to be a Lisp, this is only creating confusion.

Cons prints the same as a list, which means when it is read, it is a list. '(1 2 3) is a PersistentList, not a Cons. In particular, this is what I expect:

    (= foo (read-string (pr foo)))
As it turns out, in Clojure this holds (because = isn't identical?):

    (use 'clojure.test)
    (let [kons (cons 1 '(2 3))
          kons-str (pr-str kons)
          read-kons (read-string kons-str)]
      (is (instance? clojure.lang.Cons kons))
      (is (not (list? kons)))
      (is (string? kons-str))
      (is (= "(1 2 3)" kons-str))
      (is (list? read-kons))
      (is (not (instance? clojure.lang.Cons read-kons)))
      (is (= kons read-kons)))
Does this really create confusion for more than the 30 seconds it takes to read the doc string of clojure's cons? I don't know about you, but when I move to a different language (even a different lisp), I don't assume things always work exactly like they do in Common Lisp. When I came to clojure, I even took a look at the old version of this page: https://clojure.org/reference/lisps, which details this and other differences from the Schemes I had mostly used in the past.

That may only create a few seconds of impedance, but it's still utterly psychotic and insane. Once again: if cons isn't cons, than don't call it cons. I don't assume that everything works the same way everwhere, but if you take your primitive function names from another language, and have them behave differently, people will be confused.

I mean, sure, if the semantics of cons are a bit different, okay, but you can't just take the name and put it on a function that doesn't work at all like cons.

It also violates homoiconicity, and the fundamental guarantee of the reader: what you read in is the same as what you wrote out.

> doesn't work at all like cons

clojure.lang.Cons follows what CL's cons does with exactly one deviation: cdr must implement clojure.lang.ISeq. The practical effect of this is that you don't get a Cons cell as a primitive building block, but you don't need that because you have deftype (or one of the many higher level interfaces in clojure, which tend to be faster anyway since deftype will end up using java fields for storage, which the JVM understands very well). I don't have to build up my own alist using a list of pairs containing keys and values because I just use a map. Further, when I'm using deftype, if I implement the right interfaces, the core clojure sequence functions like conj, first, rest, map, filter, reduce, etc will all work on my custom type, without me inventing a namespace worth of custom implementations for those.

> violates homoiconicity

Clojure code isn't written using Lists, Vectors, Strings, Maps, Keywords, and Symbols? I guess I'll stop writing macros then. No clue how they ever managed to work.

> fundamental guarantee of the reader

AFAICT, clojure's printer makes no such contractual guarantee here. FWIW, neither does CL (witness the thousands of subtly (and not so subtly) incompatible read tables floating around). In clojure, the printer, out of the box, prints values in such a way that they can be read back in in a way that is `clojure.core/=`. It's unreasonable for them to be `clojure.core/identical?` (which is essentially asking if they are the same memory as before (this isn't even something that Common Lisp or Scheme does, mostly because it's pretty insane unless you statically map out all of your memory)). I mention out of the box because you can change the printer and supply additions to the object tag reader (or even to throw out clojure's reader and use one of the reimplmentations as a library).

>clojure.lang.Cons follows what CL's cons does with exactly one deviation: cdr must implement clojure.lang.ISeq

Well then, it's not a cons, is it? It's actually a particularly weird implementation of push, which stores the pushed item in another cell. If you're not going to put cons in your language, fine, but be honest about it.

>Further, when I'm using deftype, if I implement the right interfaces, the core clojure sequence functions like conj, first, rest, map, filter, reduce, etc will all work on my custom type, without me inventing a namespace worth of custom implementations for those

So you have high-level collection functions that act the same between collections? Good for you guys. Lisp and scheme have had that for ages. But don't call your high-level functions by the name the low-level functions are expected to be called, and expose those low-level functions: sometimes a function wants to know what sort of structure it's manipulating.

>Clojure code isn't written using Lists, Vectors, Strings, Maps, Keywords, and Symbols? I guess I'll stop writing macros then. No clue how they ever managed to work.

Okay, yeah, I miswrote that, it doesn't violate homoiconicity. But I disagree vehemently about the reader. Assuming the readtable is in the same state, anything you write out can be read back in to give the same structure in RAM: that's why you can use write to serialize state.

Also, by the above, clojure violates commutative equality, which is bad in any language that claims to support FP: If a property is false on an entity, than an entity that entity is equal to cannot have that property be true. Otherwise, they're not equal.

before list? on a cons result is false, after reading it back it is something different and list? is no longer true?

Even though both print as (...)?


It may be a lisp, but I'm not having that debate in two threads at once :-). Nonetheless, this is poor design, and poor language ergonomics in actions. I think Rainer and I can agree on that much.

What I was saying is that that is really unintuitive. Cons has a specific meaning and clojure redefines it creatively. That's not a good thing. If your function isn't cons than don't call it that.

Also, lisp pairs are very useful.

You want seq?

  user=> (type (cons 1 '(2 3)))
  #<Class@bc57b40 clojure.lang.Cons>
  user=> (type (conj '(2 3) 1))
  #<Class@6137cf6e clojure.lang.PersistentList>
  user=> (seq? (cons 1 '(2 3)))
  user=> (seq? (conj '(2 3) 1))

And that's really unintuitive and confusing. Especially coming from common lisp or scheme.

Nobody's forcing you, are they?

But seriously, Clojure is designed from scratch to work well with the JVM, so if the JVM's where you live then Clojure is the obvious choice.

Unless you like a more traditional lisp model, in which case go for ABCL or Kawa...

Don't. I, however, am not into Clojure, so this excites me.

`de` and `prin`, wut?

'define' - Scheme, Shen, others; 'defn' - Clojure; 'fn'; 'lambda' - are all just syntax to get used to in any language you learn. The online documentation, rosettacode.org examples, or the two reference books for PicoLisp should help get you started.

I think they were referring to the fact that 'de' isn't much of a shorthand for 'def' and that 'prin' isn't much of a shorthand for 'print'.

I would say they are much more shorthanded than 'define' for define. Then again, I program in J too, so I am used to one character or two character tokens.

Wut? I understood as shorthand for 'What?' ;)

Yeah, someone said that Scheme was like the Java of the Lisp world. It's not that verbose. But it can be fairly verbose at times.

I never heard that one. I mean you can just use shorter names. After all, you define the functions, or at least most of them, and the built-in ones are not unusually long. The Scheme programs are usually much shorter than most of their counterparts on rosettacode.org. I program in J, and that is even shorter! For me, the slight against Java is the length of the class names themselves (e.g. TransactionAwarePersistenceManagerFactoryProxy), and all of the curly braces mixed with all sorts of other line noise ;

Some of the are pretty long, but the worst of them (call-with-current-continuation most famously) usually have abbreviations (call/cc).

Java's evil isn't just it's long class names: It's also the language's general verbosity: in some cases, I'd say it approaches COBOL levels of verbose. The other evil is the import paths: Python got this one right. You don't want org.companyname.lang.java.org.net.project.net.classes.AbstractClassFactoryFactory.

That import path isn't as much of an exageration as you'd think: if Java had been invented a little earlier, it would have been banned from most computers as a criminal waste of inodes.

Is it allowing you to use just the first few letters of a function's or macro's name?

No, that's just what they're called.

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