I'm not a kernel engineer or an operating systems engineer so this may be a naive question. This line was confusing to me:
> This is achieved using local clocks at each peer that are synchronized in a manner similar to that used for Lamport clocks.
From Linux's perspective, it's just running on one machine with one system / module that determines the time of the machine right? Why do two peers need to have their local logical clock?
From my understanding, clocks are a problem for distributed systems that can't share a single clock without significant latency and loss of availability. Why is this a problem for Linux as well?
> This is achieved using local clocks at each peer that are synchronized in a manner similar to that used for Lamport clocks.
From Linux's perspective, it's just running on one machine with one system / module that determines the time of the machine right? Why do two peers need to have their local logical clock?
From my understanding, clocks are a problem for distributed systems that can't share a single clock without significant latency and loss of availability. Why is this a problem for Linux as well?