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> It only looks like a bad idea because of the close proximity in my example. What I've seen normally is that it's grown into something mimicking this structure, but actually far more complex. The point where the file read happens isn't so near the top so that refactor is less obvious, and it's so deep that the person who puts it into that outer loop in main may not realize what's happening internally (fully, at least).

I don't see how Big O calculus helps here. If you have enough understanding to run that analysis you have enough understanding to see it is trivially a dumb idea.

> I'm trying to recall the structure of another case where this happened that with a more complex internal algorithm. The solution was far less obvious, but required similar refactorings. In that case it was both reading the file multiple times, and a several deep loop where one (which was by far the longest running) could be refactored to only happen once. Instead of 100 or so times, we flipped some of the loops around (moved it to be the outer loop, similar to the idea of moving the loop over all lines to be the outer loop in my other example). Big-O wasn't essential (for me), because I'd internalized that sort of thinking. But that explanation was essential for my colleagues (EEs, couple years out of school) who hadn't been exposed to that construct before (at least not enough to stick).

What's funny is that I am an EE, and the way I internalized complexity analysis and optimization was to look at the number of operations being performed, along with the cost of those operations, and design the code such that it used the fewest resources. Only later did I learn this "Big O" thing and it seemed stupid because it seemed overly complex and was telling me to throw out significant factors that I spent my career worrying about. I still don't really see the value of it over more detailed methods that seem trivially easy to me, like simply deriving an approximation of the complete polynomial describing the runtime, memory usage, or what have you. I am a systems engineer and have a bias towards modeling things, though.

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