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These things come up regularly. Well, bubble sort is usually the punch-line to a geeky joke. But I've spent an unreasonable amount of time on data structures that fell apart at scale because of O(N) issues.

Had to look up SOLID. Makes sense, follows the principles I've soaked up from books and a couple O-O courses. That acronym was apparently invented 20 years after I dropped out of college :-)

Just keep learning. No drama. Just improve.

Yeah, and most of SOLID are just good ideas in general in software design, regardless of whether you're using OO. Write objects/programs/functions/libraries/interfaces that do one thing. Depend on an interface, not an implementation. That's the S and the D. L becomes irrelevent outside OO, and the sorts of things you would do with L you can do by instead loading a different library for D, or passing in the correct implementation for the situation, in a manner akin to DI. I is really just a more specific restatement of S, and O falls out of D easily, so long as you design your functions and libraries well.

So in short, the idea of SOLID is to write units that have a single, small responsibility, split large units into smaller ones, make the interface abstracted from the implementation, and ensure that it is easy to write alternate implementations of a given interface as necessary.

Those aren't OO ideas, those are just good design ideas.

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