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> With transpiling, adoption of these asynchronous concepts has been possible quicker than would have been achieved otherwise.

You're basically admitting that Javascript is not good enough to write asynchronous code and you need to use a third party language that transpiles to Javascript ...

> This was addressed through Promises and more recently Observables, Generators, and async/await.

Parent is talking about ES2015 constructs (or ES2016, in the case of async/await). I don't think anyone will disagree that doing async stuff in ES5 is a massive PITA- but it's a bit disingenuous to claim that the newer Javascript specifications aren't doing enough to fix those problems.

That said, four years ago I would have agreed with you- Coffeescript seemed to be the only game in town making an effort to improve the state of Javascript. But I think the embrace of transpilers in front-end engineering has only helped Javascript thrive, by allowing the community (and core developers) to more easily determine what features will actually make the language better.

(On a completely unrelated note, nice username- DCSS reference?)

I've started using async/await and it is something of a game-changer in terms of code readability.

Promises were nice but also subject to nesting and readability problems which the new addition solves nicely.

>You're basically admitting that Javascript is not good enough

Most languages go through iterations and improvements. Transpilers are enabling Javascript to 'fix' issues with the language quickly while being backwards compatible. This is a good thing.

Note by necessity all languages transpile down machine code eventually. ;)

I would't say that transpiling and compiling are the same.

Try doing some research before you post nonsense. Google isn't more than a click away...

Says the guy who has nothing relevant to say.

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