It's supposed to mean you can share object declarations. But it's javascript so that doesn't mean much. And it's not like the data format in the database and the gui is ever the same by the end of a project anyway, so two formats end up being needed anyway, so it's a bit of a pipe dream.
The one case I've found where node really makes a lot of sense is if you're trying to build a webapp with a native version using the same code. Then node-webkit is the only game in town that doesn't involve a transpiler. Then again, the component parts are flaky enough that maybe the transpiler isn't so bad afterall.
The one case I've found where node really makes a lot of sense is if you're trying to build a webapp with a native version using the same code. Then node-webkit is the only game in town that doesn't involve a transpiler. Then again, the component parts are flaky enough that maybe the transpiler isn't so bad afterall.