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I don't really know how to respond to this. Paraphrasing this conversation so far:

tptacek: "The NSA is impenetrable" is not and was not the prevailing narrative, to say the least."

me: I disagree; it's part of the narrative that pro-surveillance people use to support things like "collect it all" and key escrow

tptacek: I don't understand what our beliefs about key escrow have to do with the narrative

me: explains again what you're missing about how this relates to the pro-key-escrow (and more generally pro-mass-surveillance) narrative

tptacek: everybody agrees key escrow is stupid, and our opinions about key escrow have nothing to do with things that you weren't discussing like where the leak came from

me: hmm ...

It's almost like you're trying not to hear what I'm saying.

OK, one more try.

If all the experts you talk to are against key escrow, why do pro-mass-surveillance folks keep proposing it? They see the tradeoffs differently. And why's that? One reason is that the stories they tell about why it's a net positive have the underlying assumption that there's not a significant risk of they keys being compromised. Conversely and when opponents of key escrow tell stories about the potential downsides if the keys are compromised, proponents downplay this as a risk.

> It's almost like you're trying not to hear what I'm saying.

Perhaps because what you're saying is/sounds off-topic? Basically it amounts to "some (pro-mass-surveillance) folks propose X because Y". Even if that's true, so what? To repeat the GP, this has nothing to do with whether Russia hacked an NSA staging server, or another leaker inside NSA is behind the leak.

Sigh. Try reading the thread again, starting with 'tptacek's comment that ""The NSA is impenetrable" is not and was not the prevailing narrative, to say the least."

I don't know, what that comment said was pretty close to what I wanted to say.

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