Boxfuse is not an alternative to Packer, though, except from a very great distance if one squints. It is a restricted platform play. This is why I asked how Boxfuse deploys Zookeeper, not a Zookeeper client. Which it can't do, which makes it even further not an alternative because anybody who's going to have even a moderately complex environment--which is to say "anybody who needs more than RDS"--is going to still need Packer (or a configuration management rig, Packer's just memoizing a lot of the initial stuff you'll re-run on convergence) to build out the rest of the infrastructure.
I'll be honest: I cannot envision a company that should use Boxfuse. Not one. They're better off with something like a Racker template that takes a few parameters and feeds them into Packer than your spooky-action-at-a-distance stuff.
I'll be honest: I cannot envision a company that should use Boxfuse. Not one. They're better off with something like a Racker template that takes a few parameters and feeds them into Packer than your spooky-action-at-a-distance stuff.