That doesn't make sense. The brain is highly interconnected and there's no such thing as a "Go" or poker area. Many of the same structures are recruited for different tasks. For example, the part for recognizing faces will also be recruited for reading letters or playing Go. But the important thing here is that AlphaGo is a fixed program. It's no different than chrome or firefox in that it can no longer do learning based modifications on itself. In a sense, it's actually more limited than a browser in that it cannot simulate arbitrary Turing Machines. As a feedforward network, it's not Turing Complete.
Lee Sedol meanwhile is at least as capable as a Universal Turing Machine and was learning far more per game and modifying himself while also doing the highly complex tasks of vision integrated motion planning.
Lee Sedol meanwhile is at least as capable as a Universal Turing Machine and was learning far more per game and modifying himself while also doing the highly complex tasks of vision integrated motion planning.