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Things that sometimes happen to people, male or female, that aggravate people on the Internet. Interestingly, most falls under the category of talking trash. Ignoring that is the solution. The next worst thing that happens is them leaking nude photos or personal information. One can immunize against a lot of that by simply not putting it out there. The last thing they might do is call people to disrupt your life. One essentially has to make some calls themselves to explain the situation. That part is still quite disruptive but rarely happens.

All in all, your counterpoint is a combination of uncommon stuff that's easy to ignore and rare stuff that shouldn't dictate the rule. The most likely outcome is a heated discussion between two parties on the forum that ends on the forum or spills onto some later comments. Strange you left that one off.

They're not common results, but they're still real, and every woman who dares to get uppity online has them in the back of her mind. The fact that they're not common isn't relevant; the chilling effect is very common.

I note that you turned the subject around and with a passive-aggressive overtone made it about me. No comment.

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