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How is using Murder, the taking of another's life, in any way a suitable analogy to Copying a file/song/film without permission? They're completely different ballparks and to do so is a form of equivalency - more like equivocation, as I mentioned - because the harms are so drastically different. It only takes one Murder to be convicted of a Criminal offense and sent to Prison - there is a significantly higher bar[1] before Copyright Infringement is remotely similar to the nature of the reference point. I mean, I get the basic underlying philosophy being argued but I disagree with it. Talking about Copyright and Murder in the same sentence, I will reiterate, is rhetorically off-base.

A much more reasonable line of "analogy" (which it wasn't) would have been talking about Theft and Copyright Infringement have disparate parameters on the books, and therefore expose the over-reach of Copyright. I frequently sense that because I'm not "pro-freedom" in the definition of those who disagree with me that I'm somehow on the other side. I'm most definitely not and it is quite tiring to feel such derision when I'm not a Partisan - I'm a goddamn Independent.

[1] http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Piracy-Puts-People-in-Pri...

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