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Just saw Kelsey give a talk at Abstractions about more advanced patterns in Kubernetes and he mentioned this repo. Looks like a fantastic tutorial and his talk was very informative.

Highly recommend watching the video when it's released if you weren't able to attend.

He gave a great live demo at CodeConf about using Kubernetes for 12-factor apps[1] that I highly recommend as well. The video for the talk isn't up yet, but the code he used is.[2]

[1] https://12factor.net/

[2] https://github.com/kelseyhightower/app

We were in the same room. Yes, good talk.

Same! Actually I asked the question that led him to point me to this repo :)

We had a conversation later in the hotel lobby where he made a great analogy: running this stuff yourself is going to be like running your own mail server. Its really nice to know how to do it, but at the end of the day unless you are a very large organization, you're most likely going to use a hosted service.

Personally, I'm going to go through with setting up a test kubernetes cluster just so I know what it's made of. Then if I think it's great, maybe .. just maybe I'll give Google's hosted solution a try with a small project to start.

I feel similarly to Kelsey. I also plan on setting up a test cluster to learn the ins and outs and seeing if it's something that might fit in at work for our needs.

For personal stuff GKE looks really nice.

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