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>the impact the drug has on its users and society is much different.

Would you like to expand on those? I don't see why crack would be any worse than normal coke. In fact, considering the effects are significantly shorter it seems much more suitable for a productive lifestyle.

Crack has a much more intense, shorter high, and is much more closely associated with negative life outcomes than powder cocaine. Powder cocaine users tend to be much more high functioning than crack users.

Many of the laws tough on crack cocaine were brought in during the 80s and 90s when crack was thought (perhaps accurately) to be tearing African American communities apart, and many of the campaigners for the tough laws were African American community leaders.

> and is much more closely associated with negative life outcomes than powder cocaine.

Says who? You?

And even still, couldn't you say that the harsher sentencing guidelines around crack are to blame for that?

Lol, crack is much more suitable for a productive lifestyle!!

I was under the impression (maybe untrue) that it was more intense/addictive, but maybe that's just media bias working on me.

It's a more intense high with a much shorter duration so one would have much higher control over when they're high and not high.

I don't believe it's significantly more addictive though, it's just more affordable to the most vulnerable demographics due to the smaller dosages.

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