People laugh at me when I tell them I switched "back" to Windows after decades of Unix and Mac programming. But it's a really good, productive platform. Microsoft really seems to be heading in the right direction now.
I hope .NET starts taking off on other platforms, too, because it really is a much better system than Brand "J".
Considering most OSS devs slam analytics on literally every website. Really there isn't much difference.
That's what windows is sending. Analytics information. Yet I can guarantee every major website developed by open source using devs is sending the same information for their apps. Yet no one complains.
Look at the comic. I'm talking about divisions inside Microsoft. I doubt it very much that Scott Hanselman (for example), who is in the camp that pushes Microsoft to open up, is the kind of person that designed the privacy controls (or their lack) in Windows 10.
If you meant Java, say Java please. Brand "J"? To me, that would mean J/K/APL/APL2 (MATLAB, Nial, S, R, and other array systems). But I guess Brand "J" is cute.
I hope .NET starts taking off on other platforms, too, because it really is a much better system than Brand "J".