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Most all of us work for companies that would like to make us obsolete. Payroll is a necessary evil in the enterprise, as far as "the business" is concerned.

The irony here is that I would say most companies are, in one way or another, driven by consumption. Our present economic system, generally speaking, relies income earned in jobs to fuel this consumption.

If everyone is obsoleted, who will have the income to consume what the robots and fancy technology produce? I personally don't see the current business / economic system being very well prepared for the possibility of a post-consumer economy.

If the robots double the profit margins then you can sell half as many widgets and make the same profit.

Right, but the robots displace jobs to the point where only 1/4 of the amount of people can actually afford to buy your widget, your profit will fall.

(Obviously, if jobs merely shift, as has happened in previous technological disruptions, this scenario isn't a problem.)

Usually there's much much more people buying any given thing than people producing it.

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