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For those of you with one already, are you using it daily? And if so, how are are you using it?

I noticed in the FAQ that Microsoft itself seems to be letting users fill in the blanks[1]:

> Why would I want holograms in my real world? >We’ve made incredible advances as an industry in the ways we interact with computers. However, we are still constrained because we must conform to the ways computers recognize our commands through a keyboard or by touching a screen. Using holograms, you can place your digital content, such as apps, information, and even multi-dimensional videos, in the physical space around you, so you can interact with it in the same ways that you interact with physical objects.

>Who will benefit most from Microsoft HoloLens? >This is just the beginning. While our current focus is growing the ecosystem through the efforts of pioneering developers and commercial partners, we are also committed to releasing HoloLens to consumers in the next few years.

To me, those FAQ answers say that Microsoft doesn't have a clear use case and instead just wants to make sure they have a platform in case Holo-computing does take off. I openly admit this is my interpretation, but I'm just wondering why this is touted as a business tool without too many suggestions or offerings from MS on what you're actually supposed to use it for or how it benefits.

[1] https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/en-us/faq

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