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> Contact your Microsoft account representative or email mpcsales@microsoft.com.

If you have to ask...


Unrelated question:

> Work access. Anyone in your organization can remotely connect to the corporate network through a virtual private network on a HoloLens. HoloLens can also access Wi-Fi networks that require credentials.

Does this imply that the standard devkit can't access RADIUS'd Wi-Fi?

I have definitely connected my devkit to a WPA2 Enterprise network before. Works as you would expect. Not entirely sure why they're implying that.

> If you have to ask...

FWIW, the Development Edition alone, without the enterprise additions, costs 3k$.

Why do you think that those statement imply that? It is clearly saying that the option to VPN in and connect to WiFi with credentials are supported, not that those are the only ways. At least, that is how I read it.

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