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> However with java the import statements are not human memorable.

I suppose that depends on how many classes you need to import. I wrote a fair amount of Storm code (JVM/Java-based) and did all of the import statements by hand in vim (I don't think vim would have auto-completed by Java imports from a .clj file even if it had been setup correctly). Didn't seem that hard. I sometimes had to look at API docs for class names, but I'd have needed to do that anyway.

The only time IDE-based autocompletion would have been nice was when I was trying to read sample code. Since Java is so verbose, nobody writes import statements in their sample code. Required more googling than I'd have liked.

I started writing Java with no IDE; and mostly just used * imports; that worked pretty well (and I don't remember it being a headache at all). In IDE land (since, uh, I guess the first I used was called Roaster) automatic imports meant I could always use specific imports, which is a tiny bit better in my mind, but not worth ever doing it manually.

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