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> Could you define fanatism please

In general, irrational behavior, caused by forced oversimplification of complex things, to try to make things easier ... to have a simpler world. Black and white. Good and bad. Gives you a stable worldview in a complex world, less worries.

Rms does that by defining his license "ethical" and therefore everything else unethical. Good and bad.

So it seems easier to see who the good guys and the bad guys are, but whether it will actually help anything to make really progress, I strongly doubt.

Because all this energy put into the war over license, did not create a single line of code, nor do I see how it helped protecting things. Once a code is open, it stays open, even if other people use that to make other things closed.

Thats why I don't like ideology so much, I care much more about the things the people actually DO and not what they talk about. And if the goal is, to have for example a open mobile phone, which you can really trust, than all this talk about license only distracts and divides, but helps nothing to get things done.

Did you perhaps mean fanaticism [1] ?

  > Because all this energy put into the war
  > over license, did not create a single line
  > of code, nor do I see how it helped protecting
  > things. Once a code is open, it stays open,
  > even if other people use that to make other
  > things closed.

rms is in a singular position - he has authored some of the most useful components of free software out there, and also one of the most useful free software licences.

If you're going to complain about his contribution on either front, you'd need to present some hefty credentials of your own.

  > For me it seems he would much rather have no
  > computer at all, than one with a normal OSS 
  > license.
Judging the merit of the man's position based on how things seem to you is perhaps disingenuous.

Also, a 'normal OSS licence' - I wonder what you mean by this.

DFSG has some clear thoughts on the matter of free software licences, and there's myriad licences that (to varying degrees) are considered sufficiently free by the FSF, but I don't know of any useful definition of 'normal OSS licence'.

There's risks with categorising groups of licences - here [2] is a discussion about the risks of talking about a/the 'bsd licence', for example.

Since we are by definition talking about definitions, being overly casual with our words is inappropriate.

  > So if the original goal was to operate in a
  > open world, where you are allowed to study
  > and modify the software you use, I call it
  > irrational and fanatic to focus on the license.
Original goal was about freedom.

Happily, original goal hasn't changed in ~30 years.

I can't tell if you are intentionally conflating the issue with your insistence on 'open' / avoidance of 'free', or if you haven't finished reading the available source materials.

  > And for the ordinary user there is by far not
  > enough OSS to satisfy the needs.
That's a grand claim to be making, and it seems to me that it's not the case.

[1] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/fanaticism

[2] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/bsd.html

One more word about what I meant with irrational behavier. For me it seems he would much rather have no computer at all, than one with a normal OSS license. That he cares much more about licenses, than actually to have as much open software as needed. So if the original goal was to operate in a open world, where you are allowed to study and modify the software you use, I call it irrational and fanatic to focus on the license. And for the ordinary user there is by far not enough OSS to satisfy the needs.

Does this text seem more rational to you? https://www.gnu.org/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html

It's an argument for why LGPL exists, and when FSF thinks its the appropriate choice. It seems to me that it disproves the irrational black-and-white view of the world you cite.

Well, it's true, I wasn't aware of the lgpl anymore, but apparently just like rms, because this quote from him from the interview, in which he seperates the Open-Source Movement, from the "Free Software Movement":

> They think it’s just fine if someone wants to > write proprietary extensions to their software

would mean, that everybody who uses the lgpl is not part of the "Free software movement" anymore ...

My interpretation was LGPL exists to treat it like strategic sacrifices. It's not "just fine, it's a bearable evil for the greater good.

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