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Cathedral is never built by one person. It's not even entirely designed by one person. But you have people responsible for quality, instead of "anything goes" ad-hoc development.

You mentioned Common Lisp - it's a great example of a cathedral. A language carefully designed by a committee, which took into consideration all the previous Lisps that were in popular usage. You can tell there was a lot of thought behind the process.

As for Emacs and the bazaar, I think this is a good case study of good and bad aspects of bazaars. On the one hand, you have an incredibly flexible tool, which turns it into a perfect test environment optimizing workflow with text-based tasks. You have people writing Emacs modes for anything including kitchen sink, and it turns out many of those experiments offer superior workflow than standard, dedicated applications (especially when it comes to interoperability and maintaining focus/flow).

On the other hand, Emacs often requires you to hot-patch stuff here and there, and its language support is usually worse than that of a cathedral-like IDE dedicated to a particular programming ecosystem. And I say it as an Emacs lover. I still prefer Emacs to IDEs, but that's because of the flexibility benefits, which are unparalleled. But I'm not deluding myself that Emacs has better support for Java than IntelliJ, or better support for PHP than Eclipse, or whatever. For language ecosystems requiring complex tools to back them up, it's a PITA to set up your working environment in Emacs. Hence the negative side of bazaar - you don't get as much focused effort to make something of high quality.

> You mentioned Common Lisp - it's a great example of a cathedral. A language carefully designed by a committee, which took into consideration all the previous Lisps that were in popular usage. You can tell there was a lot of thought behind the process.

Common Lisp was designed as a unified successor to Maclisp, in response to an ARPA request.

Not to Scheme, Interlisp, Lisp 1.6, Standard Lisp, Lisp 2, LeLisp, ....

Scheme was further developed. Interlisp died, Standard Lisp had a Portable Standard Lisp variant and then mostly died. Lisp 2 was dead before, LeLisp died later.

The core of Common Lisp was designed in 1982/1983, decided mostly by a small team of Lisp implementors (those had their own Maclisp successors) with a larger group of people helping out.

1984 a book was published on the language and implementations followed.

Standardization then came as a more formal process later with goal of creating an ANSI CL standard - again it was mostly US-based, paid by ARPA. Areas were defined (language clean-up, objects and error handling), .... Proposals were made (like Common LOOPS by Xerox) and then subgroups implemented and specified those (CLOS, ...).

> You can tell there was a lot of thought behind the process.

There were a lot of people involved. Not just the X3J13 committee. It was also a community effort at that time.


A fun thing to do when you find someone who really likes Common Lisp: ask them to explain the loop sub-language in detail.

JK. They might starve to death before they finish.

The greatest thing about CL is that it has so many features that you can use to make a CL-lover look like a deranged nutbar.

It's fully unclear, why I should explain all the features in detail to someone. I'd never do that and I know nobody who would be interested in it.

You don't need to know all of it in detail. It's good to have an overview and look up details as needed.

In a numerics library, I don't need to know every function in detail. I just look it up on demand.

Hyperbolic tangent for complex numbers? I don't know the details. Learning all is fruitless. When I need it, I look it up.

> They might starve to death before they finish.

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years. Why is everyone in such a rush? http://norvig.com/21-days.html

Java JEE in detail? Oops.

The Haskell type system in detail? Ooops.

> The greatest thing about CL is that it has so many features that you can use to make a CL-lover look like a deranged nutbar.

Wait until you get 'Scheme R7RS large'. Ever looked at recent languages specs for languages like Scala, Haskell, Java 8, Fortress, Ada, the coming Java 9, Racket, C++, ...

One thing you need to learn about Lisp languages: the language is not fixed. It can be an arbitrary amount of features, even user supplied.

What you need to learn is not all the features of one construct. What you need to learn is how to learn the details incrementally on demand, while having an overview of the concepts.

If you think LOOP is large and complicated, have a look at Common Lisp's ITERATE: even more features and more powerful. Even designed to be user extensible.


And it's totally great.

Now look, I like Lisp. Common Lisp was the first language I fell in love with. I remember it fondly, even though at this point I prefer Scheme.

But you have to admit that there's something a little...off...about having an iteration sub-language with a 43 page (in PDF) manual. And I mean sub-language literally; one of the advertised features of ITERATE is that it has a more Lispy syntax, so your editor has a hope of indenting it correctly.

I find it very handy and use it all the time. Luckily there are LOOP versions for Scheme and Racket as well:



LOOP is actually not a CL specific language construct and did not originate there. It was invented by Warren Teitelman for Interlisp. There it was called FOR. From there it was ported/reimplemented and extended to several Lisp dialects.

> You mentioned Common Lisp - it's a great example of a cathedral.

Sure, but I didn't say Common Lisp was a bazaar, either. I said it didn't make sense to say "Lisp" was a cathedral, because there are many Lisps, and some of them are bazaars.

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