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What the hell are you talking about?

Just take your Unix mentality and make a few substitutions:

* gcc -> cl.exe

* ar -> lib.exe

* ld -> link.exe

* make -> nmake.exe

* libfoo.so -> foo.dll

And there you have it, the world that "didn't exist before .NET" ... This is crazy amounts of ironic because Windows had DLLs at a time when shared libraries were not so much a thing on Unix. Not to mention things like COM which are all about creating de-coupled components.

I still miss COM. It had its problems, sure, but it worked really well.

I haven't seen anything since that allowed such decoupled development

I think you have rose tinted classes on.

COM is/was a rats nest of confusing and frequently duplicated APIs with insanely complicated rules that by the end really only Don Box understood. CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream was one of the simpler ones, iirc. COM attempted to abstract object language, location, thread safety, types, and then the layers on top tried to add serialisation and documented embedding too, except that the separation wasn't really clean because document embedding had come first.

Even just implementing IUnknown was riddled with sharp edges and the total lack of any kind of tooling meant people frequently screwed it up:


The modern equivalent of COM is the JVM and it works wildly better, even if you look at the messy neglected bits (like serialisation and RPC).

I think the good ideas from COM are: IUnknown, consistent error handling through HRESULT, the coding style that emerges from being clear about method inputs and outputs.

Some things done not as well as these core ideas: registration done globally in the registry, anything to do with threading, serialization, IDispatch.

I think in many situations you can take lessons from the good parts and try to avoid the bad.

I don't see how pointing out common bugs helps your argument though. You can write bugs in any paradigm.

Yes you can write bugs in any paradigm, but some designs are just empirically worse than others when it comes to helping people write correct code.

IUnknown is a classic case of something that looks simple but in fact a correct implementation is not at all trivial, yet COM developers were expected to get it right by hand again and again. COM itself didn't help with it at all, so the ecosystem was very dependent on IDE generated code and (eventually) ATL and other standard libraries.

None of the things you highlight were good ideas, in my view, although probably the best you can do in C.

> The modern equivalent of COM is the JVM and it works wildly better, even if you look at the messy neglected bits (like serialisation and RPC).

Actually it is the WinRT introduced in Windows 8.

Well yes, except adoption of WinRT in industry appears to be zero.

Well, except that is the only way forward for new Windows applications, even classical Win32 is being coerced into it via Project Centipede.

New windows application that only target windows 10+. Backwards compatibility is a major limit to it's adoption.

It came back with a vengeance in windows 10.

really? I must have missed that... I stopped doing windows dev around Vista, because Vista.

Any details?

The UWP programming model, which was introduced in Windows 8 as WinRT is COM.

Basically it is the original idea of .NET, which as called COM+ Runtime, before they decided to create the CLR.

WinRT is nothing more than COM+ Runtime, but with .NET metadata instead of COM type libraries.

Also since Vista, the majority of new Windows native APIs are COM based, not plain C like ones.

I'm not saying that it wasn't possible, but that it wasn't exposed in Visual Studio in usable way.

As for COM, it seems to me that most common reason why something developed by some ISV is separate DLL is that it's COM component.

Er... Prior to .NET, the previous "enterprise targeted" language for Windows was Visual Basic. Visual Basic absolutely supported creating COM DLLs. On 6.0 (and perhaps earlier) there's even some nice templates for "ActiveX DLLs" (ActiveX being the Microsoft buzzword for certain COM objects at the time).

Firstly, I always remember VS having click through wizards for creating libraries. So I think you are even wrong on that.

Moreover, what a sad world for our profession when an IDE doesn't do something for you and people start to doubt it exists. Reminds me of kids on here saying a programming language without a package manager might as well not exist at all.

Do you remember DLL hell? Pepperidge Farms remembers /s

Library ABIs are hard. Same is true with shared libraries if you're not careful. I don't think it's necessarily the fault of the tooling.

The tooling didn't include version numbers.

On Unix there is nothing to stop you from creating libfoo.so without a version number in the filename. Conventions for doing the latter part came about over time. As they did on Windows too (see msvcrtxxx.dll, where xxx is a version number). These days there is also WinSXS on Windows which I don't really expect HN users to know about and is probably not relevant to the historical context.

Microsoft did really fuck it up historically (IE overwriting shell32 comes to mind) but the mechanism didn't have problems when applied by the right hands (sometimes a first party is the wrong hands :P)

If you want to talk problems in the mechansim, ask me sometime how it's possible for a Win32 process to host multiple incompatible malloc implementations in the same address space.

"As they did on Windows too (see msvcrtxxx.dll, where xxx is a version number)."

I didn't use Windows enough to know more about it than that let you have multiple copies of the libraries. Did it let you upgrade a compatible library?

"If you want to talk problems in the mechansim, ask me sometime how it's possible for a Win32 process to host multiple incompatible malloc implementations in the same address space."

I think I'll pass, thanks. :-)

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