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Today’s Smooth-Running Horses May Owe Their Genetics to the Vikings (smithsonianmag.com)
51 points by Mz on Aug 8, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments


Useful for a non-rider like me to understand what the heck ambling is.

Does any of this apply to the way humans run ? The 400m winners seem to keep their core at the same height between steps whereas I needlessly jump up and down at each step, probably wasting a lot of energy while doing this. Maybe I can blame it on the genes.

As a runner this is something you can approve over time. My watch even plots it as I run under the name vertical oscillation.

Aka we don't need a gene to run smooth.

or rather we already have the gene(s) that enable smooth running.

I think smooth running is easier on 2 legs vs 4. 2 legged animals don't have a gait per say. Gait is the way 4 legged animals coordinate their steps.... we just evenly alternate.

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