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There's no way of answering this without people perceiving that I am "attacking" mu4e.

Let's just say that mu4e gets its efficiency from memorisation (e.g. hotkeys) and a quirky way of working ("all organisation is a query"). Gmail and FastMail get their efficiency from standard UI elements that most computer users will already know how to use, and discoverability is via UI elements not manpages.

mu4e undeniably has a maximum higher speed. But you'll spend a lot of time fighting the tool until you reach that nirvana.

I've been using mutt for a few years before switching to gmail and finally to FastMail. Once you learn the keyboard shortcuts (https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6594?hl=en or https://www.fastmail.com/help/receive/kbshortcuts.html) I wasn't really slower than using mutt locally. Since they are both single page apps you can't "outrun" them by using shortcuts too fast. It works pretty well for me.

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