Exactly. The API is written in Go (because I wanted to learn it), and there's a Postgres database behind it, and a background Go process that scans the journals for updates. I recently rewrote the client in React as a learning exercise, but haven't made the switch yet
If I restarted from scratch I would do the server-side in Python because there's just a lot more good libraries available.
Hmm, I've been thinking about learning Go or Rust since they've been almost on the front page of hacker news lately. Is it worth it or should I stick with Python?
It's always worth learning something new. I don't mean to sound like a dick when I say that, but it's true; build yourself a little API in Go with the help of https://gobyexample.com and see if it's right for you. We really cannot tell you if it will be worth your salt for your particular project. Structure your application in a manner that if you decide to throw it out and replace it with C# tomorrow, your client won't know the difference.
In my case, I really enjoy Go, but certainly not all the time. It has its place. You may find either that it's the best thing ever, or that you cannot stand how it does X, and Python does it so much better. Some comparisons are objective, but the things that make or break it for you may be subjective.
If I restarted from scratch I would do the server-side in Python because there's just a lot more good libraries available.