SO I guess you can only track within a range of 5 meters? Any way to daisy chain the base stations to have higher coverage? This is an awesome tech, soooo many applications!
Well, the current TDM system has a limitation of 2 lighthouses. If you read into how it works, each lighthouse sends out an IR floodlight pulse follow by a horizontal and vertical laser scan. Each lighthouse has a single IR detector to be able to sync these scanning events (or you can use a cable). As far as I've read, the system is running a 60Hz (due to the laser scanner RPM) and as far as I can tell they can't really get the current TDM based system past 2 units without decreasing scanning frequency and theoretically decreasing tracking resolution.
What I find interesting is the idea of switching to a FDM system. I don't know enough about the current hardware to know if the IR detectors are capable of FDM (I think they've discussed this in interviews though), but if they are then you could have a system that supported many more lighthouses and a higher scan rate (since you don't require TDM anymore).