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No, the in the movie Excalibur, Merlin recieves Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake, and he then gives it to Uther Pendragon, who on his death embeds it in the stone, leaving it for Arthur to draw it from the stone.

Oh man, that's right. You just made picture rather vividly.

Probably time to see if I like that movie now as much as I did when I was ten! :-)

I like it, but it’s certainly not a normal movie by any means. It’s very much stylized ­– more like an opera or a music video than a normal motion picture, more epic mythic story than documentary-lets-pretend-this-really-happened. And I mean this storytelling-wise, not in terms of camera angles or colours or anything like that. Therefore, I suspect it’s not to everyone’s liking.

I was not born to live a man’s life, but to be the stuff of future memory.” This quote by Arthur in the movie also applies, in a way, to the movie as a whole. The movie does not try to portray Arthur as a realistic medieval/fantasy king, but the idea of King Artur, the legend.

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