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I'm Romanian and incidentally I vacationed several times in the close vicinity of the Bran castle. Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes or Vlad Draculea) was very much a real person (and the Bran area is pretty nice, I definitely recommend visiting). While the vampire connotations are indeed mostly fabricated, he was known for more mundane gruesome acts, like affectionately poking people with a stick (see pic).



> While the vampire connotations are indeed mostly fabricated,

I was specifically talking about the connection to Bram Stoker's Dracula - Vlad was a real person, (with a bloody history) just as whoever built this English wall they found was/were (presumably minus a few gory tales), but that doesn't mean Stoker knew anything about him.

Vlad is definitely real. There's a legend that Count Dracula (you know, the vampire) was based on Vlad, but there's not much evidence Stoker took anything but the "Dracole" name (though I think that's the German spelling).

Vlad, the Poker.

Vlad, the pentester.

Next time I play the WSOP main and lose a dress-up bet, I know what I'm going as.

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