If you only have one month worth of expenses saved you are terrible with money. Planning for your financial future is one of the most important things you can do.
If you're in the tech industry you can afford to save 30%+ of your income. We have a it a lot better than other sectors and make good money.
Take a small pay cut now for a large payout in the future. Don't sacrifice your future for a little fun now.
Sorry to bring the mood down, I have one moderating life experience that is relevant here.
Sometimes while you are doing this you will die.
I had two really good friends who died in their early 30's, both would have made great family men, both saved carefully, got an education at great personal cost, one served in the military, both were austere and diligent in their lives. Their parents did not seem consoled by the large cash sums that they received from these men's estates.
I think that both of them would have been well served to have lived a little more before their time was up. What's the value of amazing maths skills and financial security when you are dead?
I'm sorry for your loss. I can see how that would incorrectly skew your perspective. The chances of dying in your 30's is very low for most people. Spending your money as if that's going to happen is foolish.
In our industry you can save enough money through your 20's and 30's to retire in your 40's. It makes far more sense to do that then to plan on dying in your 30's.
If you're in the tech industry you can afford to save 30%+ of your income. We have a it a lot better than other sectors and make good money.
Take a small pay cut now for a large payout in the future. Don't sacrifice your future for a little fun now.