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In His Own Words: Gary Kildall (computerhistory.org)
100 points by EvanAnderson on Aug 3, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

If you want to learn more about Gary, watch the Computer Chronicles on YouTube or Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/computerchronicles

Gary was a regular on the show, and talked about everything from programming to printers over the course of many years on the program.

This episode in particular is all about Gary: https://archive.org/details/GaryKild

I like to describe him as "Imagine a Bill Gates, but cool".

> Unfortunately Gary’s passion for life also manifested in a struggle with alcoholism, and we feel that the unpublished preface and later chapters do not reflect his true self.

Well, he wrote them, so presumably they reflect some part of himself. I hope that they've not destroyed them; future generations should be able to see his work as he wrote it.

I, too, am curious though I suspect I'm imagining worse than it is. My best guess is vitriolic raging against the modern state of technology and/or particular individuals. Though it could just as easily be sordid tales of his exploits or maybe just semi-incoherent ramblings going nowhere in particular.

It's sad to me that a historical institution is bowdlerizing history.

That's text from his children, reprinted in the article, but clearly attributed.

I think it is long overdue for there to be a proper of biography of Gary Kildall. Really surprised that no one has done it. Know that I'd buy it.

Probably my favorite TIHP episode.

Did a google search on Algo B5500 and found this:


Definitely an amazing person. Folks tend to primarily focus on his contributions to the PC ecosystem. I am surprised more don't mention his work on data-flow analysis. It was such a significant contribution to the compiler world.


I assume that most users of S-100 systems were technical users who know for example how to modify the CP/M BIOS code, right?

A number of small companies sold packaged S-100 systems with customized CP/M provided. I bought an S-100 bus box from "California Computer Systems" which included a serial port board and disk interface board, and they provided a BIOS set up for those devices. They also provided the source, and over a couple of years I modified the BIOS several times, adding devices and improving things generally. But lots of people bought turnkey systems like the Sol [1] and IMSAI [2] and never touched the BIOS.

[1] http://www.oldcomputers.net/sol-20.html

[2] http://imsai.net/

My first computer was put together from pieces, but at its heart was a CCS case, backplane, and power supply. It was a happy medium between totally geeked out (IMSAI) and dumbed down (Sol). Of course I wrote my own BIOS from scratch.

I do wonder if there is room for a solution like the S-100 bus these days. That is perhaps the one thing that irks me about todays computers, that the motherboard is dictated by the CPU socket soldered on.

The capabilities built into today's chip sets and motherboards is just insane. This weekend was the first time I plugged a board into a PC in over 10 years, to add USB 3.0 to a system too old to have had it already. The last PC I put together was based on a mini-ITX motherboard, simply because I knew from experience that I wouldn't need anything more expandable than that.

I don't think it'd be easy considering the speeds you expect from the various buses. You could put everything on a PCIe card and let it drive a backplane through a specialized connector, but that wouldn't be like S-100.

A couple weeks back I was thinking about building a backplane that would allow a bunch of BBC Microbits to cooperate. That, too, would not be like an S-100 bus.

Yes, at least in the early hobbyist phase. When you bought a machine (or parts of a machine, the line is a little blurry with S-100 bus), you usually also got the ASM source code for the BIOS. If you wanted to add a printer or other peripheral usually you had to make changes to the BIOS and recompile. It was actually pretty easy, the source code had a lot of comments and was easy to modify.

Later on, vendors such as CompuPro sold complete "turnkey" S-100 bus systems that were intended for less technical users.

Depends on context. In the early days many s100 users assembled the boards themselves and doubtless wouldn't have blinked any eyelid at hacking 8080/z80 bios code if they needed to (I remember the first kid at school to get a computer around that time, programmable with physical switches, binary LED display). By the time the commercial software market for CP/M became established with killer apps like word star, the users would have been rightly horrified by bios hacking.

Of course, MS was also not as willing to provide the MS-DOS OAKs/BAKs to random users than DR was with CP/M. When they finally stopping copying the model before OS/2 1.0 was released, they still did things like putting the floppy and hard drive drivers in the same file.

Reference for people like me who didn't recognize the acronym OAK: "OEM Adaptaion Kit", <http://www.os2museum.com/wp/ms-dos-oaks/>

And BAK stands for Binary Adaptation Kit.

I wrote a bios to try to get CP/M up and running on my IMSAI. It does require a lot of deep knowledge about the machine which admittedly was more common in those days. However I suspect most people bought a pre-packaged system.

If you were doing most of your coding in BASIC its unlikely you'd be able to modify the BIOS.

Page 30 (in the PDF) is excellent in how Gary made a decision to be an Instructor in Mathematics and Computer Science.

It's too bad it stops where it does, I wanted to hear about the development of GEM.

chilling and wonderful at once, in how his family recalls him

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