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Agreed 100%, and the author also failed to mention several other advantages of having a clustered PK and indirect secondary indexes. A few off the top of my head: reads in PK order are faster due to lack of indirection; clustered index takes up less space due to lack of storing pointers to tuples; secondary indexes will be covering (no need for PK lookup at all) if the query only uses columns in the PK and secondary index.

It is interesting/ironic to see the article complain "those limitations were actually true in the distant past of 5-10 years ago, so that leaves us with the impression of comparing MySQL as it is now with PostgreSQL as it was a decade ago." In the MySQL world, we very very frequently see the opposite -- Postgres fans bashing MySQL for things that haven't been true in 10-15 years, as well as things that simply have never been true. It certainly is frustrating, just like what the author is experiencing!

Having a favorite/preferred database is fine, but I don't understand all the extreme views -- why do so few of these articles take the view that Postgres is a better fit for some workloads, and MySQL/InnoDB is a better fit some other workloads?

Or even just an acknowledgement that the authors of these articles rarely, if ever, have a comparable amount of expertise in both databases -- which would be necessary to make a fair comparison. Yes, Uber's original article clearly shares this same problem, but at least they seem to acknowledge it more clearly than the author of this response article. Take the section on replication comparison, for example: the author is describing logical replication support in Postgres even though it's currently a third-party addon. Cool, but MySQL has all sorts of third-party replication systems too. Alibaba has implemented physical replication in MySQL. And meanwhile even in MySQL core, there are two different types of logical replication -- there's no restriction to only use statement-based logical replication as this article implies.

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