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Vizceral Open Source (netflix.com)
301 points by samber on Aug 3, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

This seems like it's a rendering layer for traffic data you're supposed to provide it. I'd love to have something I can get running more-or-less out of the box to collect and visualize traffic between my nodes on AWS, does anybody know of such a project?

Boundary can kinda do it. AppDynamics can but doesn't work well with over a couple of thousand nodes. Companies internally have built things to do this at the method-depends-on-remote-service level to visualize/analyze up and down-stream dependencies but I haven't seen anything open source. I was thinking of doing the same at the Rack level for ruby apps.

We've been working recently on a tool that utilizes Vizceral for visualization of traffic between services. One aim being that it should be easy/quick to setup without touching your existing application code. We'd love to hear about your use-case/setup, so if it sounds like something useful to you, then drop me a few lines - jan at pipetop.com.

I imagine something ingesting vpc flow logs and building the aggregated data could do that for you, but I'm not sure how much delay that would inject.

It's not Open Source, but the sysdig cloud dynamic topology map does pretty much what you describe https://sysdig.com/product/.

(Disclosure: I work at sysdig)

Dynatrace does I think what you describe. It is on various levels - between services, hosts, processes (on different hosts too) and AWS zones.


Not a project but we're building product that does that and more https://www.cloudhawk.io

Am I the only one who has troubles establishing a connection to the domain? In Firefox, I'm getting "Secure Connection Failed" and I can't see any certificate information... Using curl locally and also on one DO instance, I get the following:

  $ curl -v https://techblog.netflix.com/2016/08/vizceral-open-source.html
  *   Trying
  * Connected to techblog.netflix.com ( port 443 (#0)
  * Server aborted the SSL handshake
  * Closing connection 0
  curl: (35) Server aborted the SSL handshake

Site doesn't work on https replace with http

Why did you add https? Just curious.

I did not, seems like Firefox automatically redirects both http://techblog.netflix.com/2016/08/vizceral-open-source.htm... and techblog.netflix.com/2016/08/vizceral-open-source.html to https automatically.... In Chrome it works normally.

Thanks for the pointer :)

https everywhere add-on?

link is to http, not https version

I have the same issue, even though the link actually is http, my browser tries to open the https version, no matter what. It looks like https://netflix.com had hsts with includeSubdomains at one point in time which my browser has still cached.

Are you using the https-everywhere plugin? I remember there being a bug where it redirected to https for subdomains of a domain that is https enabled.

I'm not him (or her), but I've got the same problem w/ FF48.0 - and, no, I don't have that add-on. I ended up just using Chrome for now.

I have no problem opening https://netflix.com on Mozilla Firefox. But, the problem arises like what people said when opening Netflix techblog using https.

GP didn't say https://netflix.com didn't work. He said it sets HSTS for all subdomains, hence forcing https in places it doesn't work.

Sorry, I misunderstood about it. Now, I know what you mean after re-read that comment.

I wish I had a project big enough to use this software, it looks pretty awesome.

This is pretty cool. It seems comparable to New Relics offering when you hook up a bunch of services that talk to each other, but with more of a focus on traffic and general health than tracing.

(Unhappy) AppDynamics user here. This comes about 2 months too late, as we've locked in on AppD for a year when this would have given us what we wanted at a significantly lower cost. Maybe next year...

Nice move Netflix, and I see it's using three.js, so the library might even get smaller once the next version of three (rewritten as ES6 modules, to make use of three shaking) is released.

tree shaking ;)

So, who is working on a ZipKin backend to reuse its data to have these nice graphs?

We've done a blog post + demo that shows how to connect the dots between docker containers, traffic monitoring and Vizceral UI: https://medium.com/@ghoranyi/our-take-on-intuition-engineeri...

Looking forward to feedback & possibility to discuss how this could work in your setup.

Does anyone know a good open-source animated graph visualization libary that is similar to this in presentation but written in C/C++ (preferably) or Python?

Not that widely know but matplotlib plots can be animated at a pinch. - the experience of doing so is not what I'd regard as fun though... They can also be embedded fairly easily in e.g. pyQT apps.

Why the UI is so monochromatic?

I presume it is because color will be used dynamically to denote when something goes wrong. A mater of "contrast" if you will.

"The nodes also can change color based on assumed health of the underlying service to give another quick focal point for where problems might exist in the system."

See this screen:


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