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"Don't live your life in comfort and then forget that this thing you demand called freedom of speech also has always meant people dying in the streets."

[citation needed]

Free speech doesn't kill people. Government propped up by unfree speech kill people.

Your attempt to casually link free speech to being poor boggles my mind. The country with the strongest free speech protections in the world (historically, anyhow) is also the richest. In an increasingly information-driven economy, free speech is going to be an inextricable part of being a wealthy country.

Blocking free speech is the path to serfdom, not wealth.

Radio stations broadcasting exhortations to kill are a terrible example. I'd bet $10 that was government speech. I'd bet another $10 that the government would not permit anybody from the class they want to kill to rebut, either. Free speech is not a government-mandated message; free speech is a robust debate. Come reply to me and tell me that you heard a robust debate and I'll admit I was wrong, but if all you heard was one side, that's a classic example of unfree speech.

And you are being sold a line which others will happily use to hang you, if you are so willing to sacrifice liberty for security.

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