This is really cool! I have been thinking about the possibility of this for a long time.
How much hardware experience do you have? I'm curious to know how much effort there would be in porting a Haskell library consisting of pure functions, like the Elliptic Curve Cryptography library [1]. ECC is fairly CPU intensive to verify (the best hand-written assembly implementation takes 0.5 ms per signature). This makes it a bottleneck for some operations, like verifying the Bitcoin blockchain, which contains millions of them.
I can't wait for high level libraries to start forming on top of the Clash library. The only thing left is more competition in the FPGA market, I guess, but perhaps this won't happen until non-hardware folks can actually program an FPGA?
Being a pure function isn't sufficient; it also can't use general recursion or dynamically sized data structures. You could certainly write an ECC implementation using Clash, but you might have to do a bit of porting work.
How much hardware experience do you have? I'm curious to know how much effort there would be in porting a Haskell library consisting of pure functions, like the Elliptic Curve Cryptography library [1]. ECC is fairly CPU intensive to verify (the best hand-written assembly implementation takes 0.5 ms per signature). This makes it a bottleneck for some operations, like verifying the Bitcoin blockchain, which contains millions of them.
I can't wait for high level libraries to start forming on top of the Clash library. The only thing left is more competition in the FPGA market, I guess, but perhaps this won't happen until non-hardware folks can actually program an FPGA?