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Clojure (and ClojureScript via Reagent[1]) is what got me into functional programming in the first place. However, as a developer working in a .NET shop I found more opportunities (e.g. .NET interop) to do "functional programming" in F#, which has also been well support cross-platform for some time.

At the time, Leiningen was still in its infancy and I hit a lot of issues getting things running but when I finally did the language had a profound impact on me as a developer.

[1]: https://reagent-project.github.io

"the language had a profound impact on me as a developer."

I think Clojure will remain in the developer culture for that. Clojure will be recognized for its action in LISP resurrection and functional programming renaissance. It's often said that "The Velvet Underground's first album only sold a few thousand copies, but everyone who bought one formed a band.". It's the same for Clojure: there will be never a lot of apps, but I'm pretty sure that all the developers who learned Clojure became better developers, developed good libraries in other languages, started a blog, etc.

Along these lines, is there any reason I shouldn't learn Racket instead?

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