Dear HN,
I'm starting to look around for a new job, and need to update my resume.
In my current resume I have a section called "Skills & Competencies" which includes a mixture of languages (C#, python, Go, JS etc.), products (various DB systems, BPM suites, etc.), areas (front-end, back-end, "cloud"/aws, db) but also practices/skills (project mgmt, TDD, agile development methods, CI, etc)
To me this feels like a mishmash of things and it does not give a clear picture.
I'm not sure how to "design" this piece of my resume.
I guess the main point I want to bring across is that I'm an all-round developer who cares about getting things done and uses whatever means are best for the job. I'm able to learn/understand tech quickly but this is just a means to an end. I like to focus on the team and there interaction / openness.
How would you solve this?
As interviewers, what would be helpful to bring this point across?
What would trigger you to invite me for either a cup of coffee or a job interview?
Thanks a lot!
So talk about your achievements, and mention the skills you used as part of that. Be specific, and focus on the most important bits instead of listing every single item. Remember to include human skills like planning and leading.