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Show HN: ES6 for Everyone (es6.io)
15 points by wesbos on July 19, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I really don't understand this kind of courses.

    What Will I Learn?

    ES6 Easy Wins - New Variables, Scoping and Template Strings
    New Language Features — Arrow Functions, Destructuring
    New Iterables and Looping over data
    What the heck those ...three ...little ...dots actually do
    How to structure your JavaScript with Modules and NPM
    Advanced Classes, Proxies, Generators, Sets and Maps
    How to write clean and consistent JavaScript with ESLint
    Proper tooling + bundling setup with Webpack
$60 for things you can learn by reading a free blog post and actually trying it yourself in a side-project?

Unless you've never did any Javascript in your life, in which case you can still learn JS basics in a free tutorial, better than a "learn ES6 best-practices" course.

Could this basically be said for anything? Why go to school? Why read a book? Why even get out of bed?

Everybody learns in different ways.

You're obviously super smart and don't need courses like this. Congrats! Must be nice.

It's not that I am super smart, it is the price that is bothering me.

There are probably free courses on these features on YouTube.

Just trying to feed my family here and do good work - move along if you don't want to buy it. No need to shit on something I'm especially proud of.

Seriously, move along.... Go watch the quality of the video/audio and the content of any of @wesbos' free courses. You'll understand why he charges for it and why I happily pay the price he's asking. Yes. I bought ALL his paid courses and they are fantastic.

It's not for you then. I just spend a few months of my life working on this course - it's not something you can learns skimming a blog post.

Teaching is difficult, I imagine.

Personally I prefer this type of content because I can set it to 2x and speed through and pick up the things I need to know.

Some of us don't have the luxury of mainlining r/javascript all day long.

Some benefits for the cost:

* downloadable videos for offline viewing * working code samples * a Slack community to ask & answer questions * high-quality content

Fantastic resource!

Every new feature of the language is introduced with real, relatable data (family members, bill to pay at dinner) etc, along with a good dose of humour.

The human aspect of these examples make the series very easy to digest and helps concepts sink in better.

This is really good value for money - I highly recommend this course if you feel like you could do with some polishing on your ES6 skills.

Paying Wes Bos for his hard work not only is fair, but it also ensures he can continue dedicating his time to producing more quality courses going forward.

I for one really appreciate Wes' teaching style and how approachable he is as a person - and I want to continue seeing him release great learning material and make a living out of teaching.

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