8:30-5 (I leave a bit early to beat traffic. Sometimes if I can't sleep I'll VPN in to work and do some code janitor tasks. A few times a year my work load gets heavy enough that I'll work extra at night or very early to get through it, but that's not my normal routine.
My lunch is anywhere from 0 to 90 minutes but I probably average about 30 minutes.
During the day I'll sometimes go for a 30 minute walk. I keep a guitar at work so if I get hung up on something I'll play for bit.
Yeah, we each have an office with a door. My guitar is an electric that I either play through headphones or unamplified. Plus, I'm often just playing scales or something.
My lunch is anywhere from 0 to 90 minutes but I probably average about 30 minutes.
During the day I'll sometimes go for a 30 minute walk. I keep a guitar at work so if I get hung up on something I'll play for bit.