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Executing non-alphanumeric JavaScript without parentheses (portswigger.net)
123 points by kkl on July 15, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

Ctrl-F template strings... yep, there they are.

So if you didn't know, ES6 added template strings, which are these really awesome things because they have multiline and string interpolation capabilities (and they're safely far away from JSON, which in my opinion shouldn't have such capabilities). They are very pretty and incredibly handy; you write

    I'm so ${scared} in case ${ I.fall.off() } my chair
    And I'm wonderin' how I'll get down the stair
and this gets converted into

    console.log("\nI'm so " + scared + " in case " + I.fall.off() +
        " my chair\nAnd I'm wonderin' how I'll get down the stair\n");
Except for one thing: they're called "template strings" because actually this is a sort of "default behavior" which can be metaprogrammed. There is a default interpreter which could be written:

    function interpret(text_segments, ...split_segments) {
        var out = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < split_segments.length; i++) {
            out += text_segments[i] + split_segments[i];
        return out + text_segments[i];
but... you can write one of your own, if you want, and put it on the beginning. Therefore:

    > console.log(`abc ${[1,2,3]} def`)
    abc 1,2,3 def
    > console.log `abc ${[1,2,3]} def`
    [ 'abc ', ' def' ] [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Notice that the side effect of console.log has happened with the arguments given to it, allowing for code execution.

As for mitigation... add detection of backticks to whatever code was detecting parentheses. It's not a very widely used symbol in any context other than shell scripting and LaTeX anyways, so you're probably good to go if you just outlaw that character before calling eval() on the whole.

"add detection of backticks to whatever code was detecting parentheses."

No, stop trying to "detect" whether something is code and just properly encode things in the first place. If this allows someone to get code into your website, that is not a minor flaw to be fixed with a quick tweak, it is indicative of a fundamental flaw in the understanding of whoever wrote that code. When things are properly encoded, browsers won't execute them. (Give or take some issues around content type detection.)

I mean, that's certainly a great ideal. The real world is somewhat less-than. I don't fault anyone for having to maintain a legacy codebase developed by people who rolled their own, say, JSON-parsing functions. (If you want to see what this sort of exploit mitigation looks like in practice, see https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/blob/master/json... ; think that this was the most popular JSON parsing library ever. Thank goodness IE8 is a goner.)

"template literals" nowadays.

Still no support on IE (desktop|mobile), Android, ios<9

Spent a couple minutes figuring out how to spell "butts":


I've done something similar with PHP, by casting an array to a string (The string "Array") and using "variable variables". If only there was a way to call functions in PHP without using letters in the code... https://gist.github.com/nubs/5849633#file-nodigitsorquotesei...

You can call a function by name:

    $foo = "file_get_contents";
    $bar = "http://example.com/";
    $baz = $foo($bar);
In PHP 7 this doesn't even require you to give the function name its own variable:


The parentheses-less javascript dialect in the title of this HN article relies on ES6 and uses 6 characters:

The parent link above is ES5 and uses 8 characters:

The jsfuck.com ES6 dialect uses 6 characters:

jsfuck was previously ES5 but they now rely on ES6isms to shorten their code.

That's a better intro, but the "point" of this article was about doing it without using parenthesis.

what's the use case? Circumventing code insertion filters?

Yes, and dually, demonstrating to people that their code insertion filters are inadequate. You may know better, but there's still a lot of people in the real world who try to "sanitize" Javascript with thing like "Remove all ()[]'";" and think they're security masters whose code is unassailable.

That last bit isn't snark; it's my personal experience.

As mentioned in the article, there are filters in the real world that will be penetrated by this.

Pretty much - the first paragraph links to an example of this technique being used to exploit Uber's developer documentation - http://blog.portswigger.net/2016/04/adapting-angularjs-paylo...

This article did give me the out-loud-at-the-office chuckle and a whispered "what the f°°°" that only awe-inspiring hacks far above my programming intelligence level can provoke. :)

Reminds me of Church encoding or even iota reductions, where you reduce a set of higher level symbols to primitive symbols that in combination have provably the same meaning.

If you want to automate this process: http://www.jsfuck.com/

As far as I know, JSFuck still uses parentheses.

Ah, so it does. I didn't realise.


This is the second comment like this I've seen. Are you testing some kind of RNN bot?

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