Society has a limited amount of resources and manpower. Your capital is your share of society's resources and manpower. The capital can either be used on yourself or to build new products and services. Some people are better than others at building products and services people want. The free market attempts to redistribute capital to the people who are better at building products and services people want.
Most people use their money for themselves. They use the money to pay for food, clothing, and cars. If they get a pay raise, they use the additional money to pay for better food, better clothing, and better cars. They don't see the money as capital to build products and services people want.
Most people use their money for themselves. They use the money to pay for food, clothing, and cars. If they get a pay raise, they use the additional money to pay for better food, better clothing, and better cars. They don't see the money as capital to build products and services people want.