Very few drugs are significantly physically dangerous when not used chronically, as long as you're careful with dosage. Even volatile solvent inhalants, easily the least-safe commonly-used drugs, simply can't do that much damage without becoming a habit. The cases of people dying on their first use of inhalants are either overdoses (not hard to overdose on inhalants) or the result of blowing pressurized gas directly into the throat, causing a dramatic drop in temperature.
I imagine that this project had a net-negative effect on his health, but calling him an idiot assumes that he didn't weigh the risks. I get the impression that he has done more research on the topic than we have.
I imagine that this project had a net-negative effect on his health, but calling him an idiot assumes that he didn't weigh the risks. I get the impression that he has done more research on the topic than we have.