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Sorry to hear this. When we spend effort stripping out bytes some people complain; when we leave it alone, others complain about the size.

We thought this was a good compromise, but maybe we'll revisit in the future. Your feedback is valuable.

For what it's worth we have been vocal on the issue tracker about this for a long time: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/2686

I know.

From @benvinegar's comments there (ex: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/2686#issuecomment-2...) it sounded like the error code system would go at least most of the way towards solving your problem. Obviously the error message would not show up in Sentry automatically, but I figured that it would be a click away. I guess I must have misunderstood something along the line though.

It's a huge step up and I'm grateful, not only because this will be a huge improvement for Sentry users (and other crash reporting service users), but also because we use React ourselves. Thanks React team.

Some people will just never stop complaining. Thanks for your great work.

We automatically resolve your error codes now. We just wish this was at least a standard like sourcemaps.

People obsess about single kilobytes of JavaScript because it's easy to measure, not because it makes a difference to web performance. (It doesn't, in the vast, vast majority of cases.) It is not worth adding even a little bit of complexity to strip these debug messages from minified code.

If you serve to mobile phones in third world countries every KB counts. For some of us this is a reality.

I am grateful to developers making sites lightweight that load on my 2G connection in a village in Serbia with a 150MB monthly data cap. I'd like to use Opera Mini more but it breaks many websites so I use Firefox and hope for the best.

Then maybe "if you serve to mobile phones in third world countries" don't use React?

Facebook serves to mobile phones in third world countries.

In what way does this invalidate what I wrote, which, if I have to make it even plainer, is:

If you're serving to mobile phones in third world countries [and you're concerned with React's size], then you can always NOT use React.

Apparently Facebook is not concerned with that, or doesn't consider it a problem for third world networks.

But for those people that complain about React's size and third world usage, they do know that there are tons of lighterweight options, right?

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